Old Glory Bottle Cap Flag Art in Progress: Stagecoach Festival Setup


My step-son Don drove the flag out to Indio, CA and helped me assemble it when we got there. I’d been very worried that the flag might be damaged by the vibration of a long road trip but it arrived fully intact. If you look closely at the front board of the frame, you can see a continent’s worth of splattered bugs!


It took us forever to get through security and get to out spot on the festival grounds. Assembling the flag was quite quick, comparatively. Here, we’ve unpacked all the panel and laid them out.


Up goes panel one.


Panel two goes up, easy as pie.


The fourth panel fits easily as well. Sure glad I did the practice assembly at home!


We had to borrow a guy for the bottom panels so that we could both hold it in place while he shot the screws into the 4×4 behind the flag. It was a bit tricky to get these perfectly aligned because of the way the final rows of caps overlapped the seam, but it went nice and smooth.


Here’s the back of the flag, showing the overall structure and the big bolts that doubled as alignment tools.


All done setting up! You can see the iconic Stagecoach Ferris Wheel in the background, as well as the very cool line of tents. After months of worrying about a deadline that should have been impossible, tomorrow I can kick back and watch people interact with the flag and see if it’s as popular as I expect it to be.

Follow the creation of Old Glory from start to finish—