Scrap Yard Abstract No. 2 (Rooster), 2005

Scrap Yard Abstract No. 2 (Rooster), 2005

Scrap Yard Abstract No. 2 (Rooster), 2005
Recycled steel.

33″ x 21″ x 12″

I’ve always kind of steered away from doing non-representational sculpture. I like it, when it works, but it’s usually much more difficult to pull off. I’ve seen tons of formalist abstracts that do nothing for me, but then, there are pieces that take my breath away. So, I’ve kind of been biding my time for the right moment to try my hand at it. I’m very much used to working in a very 2 dimensional style with sculpture, dealing with pattern, line, balance, tension, etc. When I have done subjective abstracts in the past, they usually focused on patina and pattern and were usually 2D relief work for wall hanging.

Slowly, I’ve been kind of working up to a more 3D treatment of space. The last couple years I’ve been doing a good deal of kinetic sculpture that had to work on more than one plane as they moved. This week, I kind of found myself in a frenzy of new ideas. The sculpture below was the second in the series. The angle of the stand was in part designed to balance the work exactly where I wanted it to hang in space, but I think the diagonal line also adds it’s own interest and dynamic movement to the piece.

Scrap Yard Abstract No. 2 (Rooster), 2005

Scrap Yard Abstract No. 2 (Rooster), 2005

Scrap Yard Abstract No. 2 (Rooster), 2005