
Odysseus: Scrapyard Abstract No. 6

Odysseus: Scrapyard Abstract No. 6, 2005
recycled steel
32″ H x 15″ W x 11″ D
NFS: Collection of the artist

This one has a great sensuality to it. I love the curved planes and suggestive contours.

Odysseus lashed himself to the mast of his ship to avoid being seduced by the cries of the sirens into grounding on the shoals of a reef. This sculpture suggests all the elements of that myth to me… from some angles it resembles a ship leaning into a strong wind, from others, the bust of a head with large lips and a strong, heroic nose. And then, it’s got a strong vaginal quality also, in the folds of the steel. Of course, you may see something totally different than I do. Either way, it’s got a wonderfully strong formal presence.