Modern Security Grates in Steel + Copper

Modern Security Grates in Steel + Copper

Modern Abstract security grates, 2004
steel, copper.
dimensions variable

E. Jones wanted burglar bars for her ground floor windows, but she didn’t want to feel like she was in prison when she looked through them. These steel and copper grilles will definitely keep people out— but they do seem to attract admiring stares. When I returned to the site to finish installation, I met an architect who requested that I tender his apologize to the Jones family… he had been standing there looking at the grates for ten or fifteen minutes before he realized that he was also inadvertently staring into someone’s window.

Modern Abstract security grate

Modern Abstract security grate

Modern Security Grates in Steel + Copper

Modern Security Grates in Steel + Copper

Modern Security Grates in Steel + Copper

Modern Security Grates in Steel + Copper