Galaxy No. 2, Kinetic Wind Vane Sculpture

Galaxy No. 2 kinetic sculpture


Galaxy No. 2, 2004
Steel 82″ x 82″ x 14″
Collection: Kathleen Glynn & Michael Moore

The Galaxy Series of sculptures is inspired in part by David Smith’s sculptures Australia and Royal Bird. But I also enjoyed the comment left by Craig Ross when I first posted images of the piece, which he called “Souped-up and Mondrian reminiscent.”

I kinda miss Galaxy No. 2… It was one of the pieces that really captured a part of my heart. On nasty, blustery days, I’d look out the window of the office and watch it just spinning merrily, happy in the wind that I wanted no part of. It was a good reminder that the weather is what you make of it (metaphorically or straight up).

The Galaxy Series are Modernist inspired, abstract wind vanes made from recycled steel. The designs feature simple lines and shapes balanced to spin easily in a light breeze.  The  sculptures  disassemble into two pieces (horizontal arm and vertical base) for shipping. Each   is one of a kind and will not be reproduced.

The Galaxy Series  was inspired in part by David Smith’s sculptures Australia and Royal Bird. They are also an exploration of negative space… The Galaxy pieces are structured around lines and curves, but  depend heavily as well on the open shapes enclosed by the lines.

Galaxy No. 2, Kinetic Wind Vane SculptureGalaxy No. 2 kinetic sculptureGalaxy No. 2 kinetic sculpture