Eagle Mask— Masquerade Bell Lantern Series

Eagle Mask— Masquerade Bell Lantern SeriesEagle Mask— Masquerade Bell Lantern SeriesEagle Mask— Masquerade Bell Lantern Series


Dimensions: 9″ Diameter cylinder, 21″ High x 12″ Wide x 19″ Deep. Weight 46 pounds.
Thickness: Masquerade Bell Lanterns are cut from quarter inch steel recycled oxygen tanks.
Material: American made High-Strength, Low-Alloy, Cold-Rolled Steel, recycled steel, cast iron.
Availability: NFS, Collection of the artist

This lantern was inspired more by the materials at hand than by any specific historic style of mask. The beak made from a pick axe cut in half was the beginning. The piece that makes of the nose is part of a set of what I believe to be dies of some kind. The feathers at the top of the head are blades from a farm implement.