Custom Studio Furniture

Dancer Table Chairs

Dancer Chairs and Table
Steel, Copper, Glass
Dimensions Variable
Private Collection

I was (and still am) one of those kids who always feels compelled to lean chairs back on two legs. I didn’t get into making furniture just to avoid being yelled at, or breaking chairs, but I do believe that in addition to being beautiful and comfortable, furniture should be strong. So that’s how I make it. Tough, pretty and shockingly comfortable.


Acrobat Chair in steel and copper, Flirt

Acrobat Chair in steel and copper, Flirt


Acrobat Chair in steel and copper, Martha Graham

Acrobat Chair in steel and copper, Martha Graham


Acrobat Chair in steel and copper, Play

Acrobat Chair in steel and copper, Play


Acrobat Chair in steel and copper, Tango

Acrobat Chair in steel and copper, Tango


Acrobat Chair in steel and copper, Tumblers

Acrobat Chair in steel and copper, Tumblers


Rocket Commissioned Steel and Copper Stool

Rocket Commissioned Steel and Copper Stool


Return To Childhood Rocking Chair, Steel, Copper and Acrylic

Return To Childhood Rocking Chair, Steel, Copper and Acrylic


Swing End Table in Steel and Copper and Glass

Swing End Table in Steel and Copper and Glass


Jazz Cafe Table in Steel and Copper and Glass

Jazz Cafe Table in Steel and Copper and Glass


Dot! Chair red and black powder coated steel

Dot! Chair red and black powder coated steel


Dot! Chair yellow and blue powder coated steel

Dot! Chair yellow and blue powder coated steel


Screw it! Chair + Table Set, Recycled Steel

Screw it! Chair + Table Set, Recycled Steel