

Old Glory was a huge hit at the festival! Here's a little video of just some of the Instagram selfies taken with the flag. People lined up day and night to take their picture with Old Glory. One thing I really liked was how, as each...

The trailer is here and it's install day! My studio assistant Jamie and I carry out the first of the big sections. Laying all the panels out and hoping that they fit easily into the framework as planned. My plan was for the flag panels to mount...

The four main panels are finally finished! I'll add a few fill caps to the seams once it is installed at the festival, but for now, it's ready to travel. Now onward to make the bottom two stripes. To minimize the seams, the bottom stripes are...

The stars are finished on panel two! A close up shot of the caps. I love the way this thing looks when you get up close and look across it at a low angle. Note that even though the copper coated nail heads are tiny, they...

Beginning the fourth panel. The first step is lining up the rows so that they match the edge of the last panel. This is slightly difficult because they're both 4 feet wide by 8 feet tall so it's quite a reach to get the caps...

Week Three. The first panel is done and the stripes are finished on panel two. I moved on to the third panel partly to give my hand a rest from bending the stars and partly so I could get video footage of the second panel...

Marcie videotaped the first cap being nailed to the flag. Only 19,999 or so to go! The first couple rows of caps have been applied. Usually, I partially crimp all the caps so that they overlap and have no space at all between them. Because this...

This is how 28,000 bottle caps arrived. The three boxes weighed 131.62 pounds altogether. I had no idea quite what to expect but rather thought the boxes might be a lot larger. It was fortunate that Budweiser donated the caps because there's no way I...

Galaxy No. 3, 2005 recycled steel 139" H x 133" W x 14" NOTE: effective width/length is a radius of 133 inches My Kinetic Sculpture, Galaxy No. 3, is on view in Charlevoix, MI for the next two years as part of a public art program featuring 8 sculptures. The...

These two grates are a commission for an apartment building in Texas. Both are made from recycled/reused components (other than the steel for the frame). Both grates have kinetic elements that spin, turn or bobble. I love adding moving parts to fences, gates and grates to...

Fire Imps are playful, energetic and touchable sculptures scaled to fit any home. I love the way that the shapes and colors of the Fire Imps interact in a group— like a coral reef, a modern dance troupe, a forest of fall leaves, a party...

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